What Creates Significance in your Life?

There was a time when I believed significance came through success and possessions. I was determined that if I got a great job, worked hard, and made enough money all would be good. Come to find out, that isn’t necessarily true. 

So what creates significance in your life?

This life before us is amazing, and we all strive for something. 

Many strive for success measured by accomplishment and things: A new job, bigger house, a better car, more stuff… 

But is this really success? 

Does this really fulfill the need you have in your life?

John C. Maxwell puts it best…

“Success is mainly about myself… Significance is mainly about others. I’ve known many unfulfilled successful people, but everyone I know living a life of significance is fulfilled.” 

This is what it comes down to. Helping show others their value will bring you significance, which in the end will make you truly successful. 

But, like everything else in this life, it is a journey.

There have been many people that have been significant in my life and made a real impact by adding value to me.

Who has been a significant influence in your life?

Reflecting on this question can set you up to have a similar impact on others. 

Barbara Ellis, my journalism professor at Oregon State University was one of those people. 

When I was stuck and didn’t think I could accomplish something, she would say…

“Just do the next dumb thing.”

This was one of her favorite sayings and my most memorable quote from her class. What she meant was, just keep going.. It will work itself out if you keep moving forward.

Don’t Quit. 

Don’t Give Up.

To this day, when I get stuck, I still hear her saying…

“Just do the next dumb thing.”

Significance that lasts a lifetime is created by someone who invests in others, is present, and truly cares. 

Is that you?

By giving, do you find success and significance?

Eleanor Roosevelt said “For your own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others.”

Giving to others is a key for significant success.

This is an intentional process.

Let's face it… “Every person has a longing to be significant: to make a contribution: to be a part of something noble and purposeful.” - John C. Maxwell

So today take a step that direction by positively and significantly adding value to others.

Lift others up. Make a real difference.

Be a world changer in someone's life.

It starts by caring, being present, and taking positive action.

Start small… Maybe a Smile or a Kind Word. 

Like my friend Russ Johns always says… “Kindness is Cool and Smiles are Free!”

Simple acts of kindness can make all the difference in someone's day.

Being a Blessing is your choice.

You Can… Be Significant today, if…

It is the Life You Choose!

For more information on Russ Hedge go to www.russhedge.com

For a copy of Russ’ Book “Befuddled? Live the Life You Choose!” go to 



We Are Better Together


If I Had More Time…